Rules & Regulations

The School Rules and Regulations have been established in partnership with the community over a long period of time. They reflect the school community’s expectations in terms of acceptable standards of behavior, dress and personal presentation in the widest sense. Students are expected to follow the school rules at all times when on the school grounds or when clearly associated with the school i.e. when wearing school uniform.

Other Rules

  • Admissions are subject to vacancy and are based on merit assessed by admission test and previous academic record.


  • The principal has the right to reject to issue application form and /or admission without assigning any reason whatsoever.


  • The admission fee will have to be paid within 07 days from the date of announcement of the result of the admission test. The documents will have to be submitted before the commencement of the academic session. Failure to fulfill any one or all the above requirements within the given time will result in automatic withdrawal of the offer of admission and any charges paid in full or in part will not be refunded.


  • For admission during the academic session in transfer cases fee will have to be paid for the whole academic session.


  • Admission fee once charged will not be refunded.

Withdrawals and Dismissals

  • One full calender month noice is necessary for withdrawal of the student. For-mid session withdrawal, fee will have to be paid for whole year.


  • Transfer Certificate can be obtained on payment of Rs. 100/-. The Transfer certificate will be withheld if all the dues are not cleared. It will be given only to the students who have completed atleast one full academic session in the school. The Transfer Certificate will be given within 15 days from the receipt of TC Application Form.


  • A child may be expelled from the school for misconduct and habitual absence.


  • A child failing in the same class for two years in continuation must be withdrawn from the school.


  • If the fee is not paid within a month of due date the name of the student will be struck off the rolls and re-admission will be allowed only if all the dues are cleared and the formalities for re-admission are fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Principal.

Medical Excuse From Physical Education

Regular attendance and participation in physical education classes is required of all students. A student may be excused from participating in activities which could endanger his / her health under written recommendation of his / her physician. If the restrictions of activities are to be for a prolonged period, the physician must specify the exact duration of the restriction, the medical reasons for the restrictions, and the types of activities that would be restricted or eliminated. Alternate work or assignment will be given to the student during that period.